Why We All Need a Love Army and a Three Step Process to Building and Maintaining One- Part 3

By | January 12, 2014

Building a love army is not complete without the final step (letting go of relationships that you’ve outgrown).

When creating a love army, it is imperative that we are brutally honest with ourselves. It is not cruel or selfish to realize that certain behaviors and people are no longer what your life requires.

When evolution of self is the goal, it makes sense to look about and discover where and when I am doing things that make no sense and keep me stuck.

I often invite distractions into my life to avoid taking action.

We often don’t see them (things we enjoy) as distractions instead we refer to them as boredom, relaxing, nap time, having a snack, surfing the net. While none of these activities are bad, they often eat up our day and suck the life from our willing and unfocused minds.

As a young dreamer in my early 20’s , I was obsessed with Oprah Winfrey and the amazing things she was able to accomplish.

I spent many hours marveling at what she did and thinking that perhaps the gods had smiled on her and it was my job (along with the rest of the world) to simply bask in her brilliance and accomplishments knowing that this could never be me.

The major difference was how she spent her time and the type of forward moving and thinking individuals with which she associated herself.

Nobody who truly loves you wants you to be less than your brilliant, fully alive self. Nobody who truly loves you will want anything but the absolute best for you.

Those that love you will hold you accountable for consistently moving towards an evolution that serves you first and the world second.

I often ask myself : Do I feel empowered when I’m around so and so ? Do I feel uplifted and clear about myself, my goals and my inner resources when I’m in this person’s company ?

I have asked myself (Am I stunting this person’s growth by remaining in their life ?).

More than once, I have examined my interaction with someone and realized that my presence was a distraction.

Herein lies the most difficult reality: knowing that while you are not plotting to stunt another’s growth, their development is interrupted because of your interaction. I have had to leave very familiar and comfortable surroundings at several points in my life.

While each move was scary and required time to adjust to a self-induced change, I regret nothing.

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