Smart Slut 4… Smart Slut handles business

By | May 16, 2011

First fact about HIV: It will cost you money and time.

When there are attempts made to decrease HIV infection rates, the financial costs are never discussed.

Remember, a smart slut is a safe slut (thanks GS, my favorite Brit). As I mentioned previously, I had to soldier on alone when it was discovered that perhaps I had been exposed to the virus. I got tested the first dozen or so times by myself with no physical or emotional support.

Condom and lube with cloudsWhen I moved to California, all of this changed overnight. I began dating and meeting people who were honest about their status.

I began going to clinics and facilities with friends and dates where I literally held hands while blood was being drawn and t-cell count was being shared. HIV is a lifelong partner that will need to be managed and will affect every life decision.

Secondly, it costs money a whole lot of money.

Missed days of work. Time spent going back and forth to the doctor and having the pressure of daily pill taking is a great deal to manage even if you have a support network that is kind, loving and thoughtful. Nobody ever discusses that this is a most time consuming and financially draining way to live.

I love the ads that the pharmaceutical companies show with all of the gorgeous perfect men having gorgeous perfect lives all via a one pill a day regimen.

This is great if you can afford the one daily pill. It sends the message that being infected is a glamorous, chic and very affordable style. When you are on a regimen that cuts into the funding of the trip to Europe , cable tv, pedicures, gym memberships, facials and of course the latest and greatest brought to us via Prada, things look a little different.

By not playing it safe you risk infection and a life time of doctor visits, pills and possibly some serious health issues and of course the psychological upheaval that is a part of the chronic disease architecture.

There have been studies done where in people would rather get their hair done then pay for condoms that could save their lives.

If you want a great deal, contact the .99 store where you can get a box of 12 condoms for a dollar and if that ain’t a deal what is?

I enjoy fine food, theater and the movies and live for a day of beauty (haircut/shave/pedicure and manicure).While this is not expensive by any means(some of my peeps spend hundreds per month drinking), it would be severely limited if I had to purchase meds and take time off from work (which means I lose money).

No fun.

The smart slut knows that in this world we are not supposed to want or have everything and yet this smart slut did figure it out and so can you…

One of the things we have been assigned and gleefully taken on is the worship of all things fabulous and show stopping.

What could possible be more show stopping than being sexually responsible and looking great at the same time.

I am not referring here to the latest duds and whatever Madison Avenue has decide to pedal to us. Instead , I am talking about decisions that make great financial sense.

Staying uninfected makes great financial sense.

One thought on “Smart Slut 4… Smart Slut handles business

  1. Daryl T Sturgis

    Money is one of those consequences people don’t think about. I saw an episode of Oprah about a woman who had a down low husband. She contracted HIV and exploded in rage when Oprah stated that Magic Johnson has taught us how to live with the desease. She said that the desease has bankrupted her. I know people who spend upwards of several hundred dollars each month on meds. Preach on brother


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