What White Folks Can Do to End Brutality Against Black Men

By | September 20, 2014

Getting caught up on the week’s most important stories left me with much confusion and head scratching. There was no mention of Mike Brown.

Dogs struck by cars and wandering mountain lions were deemed more important.

Shocking news is not new and for the liberal and concerned white folks who seek justice and an improved society, I offer three helpful tips.

Tip # 1 Stop thinking that animals and their treatment is on par with saving(human) lives and preventing (human) deaths.

While there was no coverage of Mike Brown(during this Friday night newscast), I witnessed several minutes devoted to raising funds for a dog struck by a car.

As if this wasn’t enough, there was a group of young children and weepy adults moved to demand laws and space be created and designated for mountain lions who’ve had their natural habitats invaded and their homes disturbed.

I am currently waiting for the celebrity weigh in and concern for these “poor” animals.

Nature has its own system of dealing with sickness and death.

We should stay out of it.

A bigger concern would be how we treat one another and the laws and thinking that govern our behavior.

Tip 2: Stop waiting to speak up and take action.

Review the lives and powerful decisions made by the bold and brave whites who risked their lives during the Civil Rights Movement to bring about a change in all our lives.

Mistakes will get made. So what.

If I have to choose between a mistake and the death of a young person, I say bring on the errors.

Tip 3: Challenge the behavior of your friends who have meaningless lives to look beyond the obvious.

When a group is gathered and the discussion leads to:the new IPhone, which highway has the least amount of traffic or the market that has the best selection and pricing of produce interrupt that bullshit with some real talk about elected officials, where your tax dollars are being spent and the privileges you indulge daily that are part of the problem in our communities.

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