Tag Archives: sugar blues

My Love Letter To All The Wonderful Plant Based Black Folks I Met During Covid

Greetings all, It has been one solid year of eating like I got some sense. One year ago, my doctor spit out an awful diagnosis. High Blood Pressure. Stroke adjacent. Daily Pills. After being pissed off and eating my through a pandemic for five months, I made a decision. I would not be a statistic… Read More »

Day Five – Kicking the Sugar Pimp in the Groceries for Thirty Days

Ever have that feeling that the stars have aligned and the universe has your back? This is how I’m feeling day five of my sugar free quest. No unrelenting temptations or fooling myself by vowing to start again later. And here’s the best part… I’ve met a wonderful colleague, a brilliant visionary, who joined me… Read More »

Day Four – Kicking the Sugar Pimp in the Groceries for Thirty Days

Great news all! I started what was a stressful day that could have led me straight to the cookies. Instead, I opted for a brief conversation and some deep breathing. The result- I won the sugar battle day one and two and three. Before you get too excited keep this in mind. Food manufacturers put… Read More »

Day One – Kicking the Sugar Pimp in the Groceries for Thirty Days

I just spent two hours wrestling with a computer issue, a barking dog and of course a reminder from la familia that my dreams don’t matter. These are all things that ordinarily would have caused me to reach for the cookies or yell “cake break”. It’s day one and already I ‘m obsessing over something… Read More »

Why Limiting Imagination is Racism’s Most Effective Tool

One of the most effective ways to ensure that racism stays intact and continues to thrive and reinvent itself is through crushing dreams and severely limiting individuals ability to imagine.